Monday, August 1, 2016

PT PLN (Persero)
PT PLN (Persero) /
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) - PLN later known as "PT PLN (Persero)" is the national electricty power company of Indonesia wholly-owned by the Government of Indonesia. PLN has a right to monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia. PLN operates primarily as an electricity power provider in Indonesia. Its business include generation, distribution, transmission and other related services to electricity. The Company was formed on 1 January 1961, with the name of Jawatan Listrik dan Gas under the Ministry of Public Works and Energy. PLN is based in Jakarta and now has 15 area offices, 6 distribution unit offices, 2 Distribution and Load Control Centers, 6 Generation units, 14 Parent Project Units and 6 Central and Services Units throughout Indonesia. The national electricity power company also supported by 11 key subsidiary companies, 6 associated entities, and 8 joint venture companies.

In term of financial performance, PLN posted positive financial performance in 2015. According to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Annual Report 2015 as cited by, PLN reported total revenues of Rp 217,347 billion in 2015 or grew by 12.37 % compared to Rp 193,418 billion in 2014. Total net profit in 2015 amounted to Rp 15,585 billion. This reflected an 11.28% increase as compared with Rp 14,004 billion in 2014.

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities

Recruitment Announcement of PT PLN (Persero)
Master Degree (S2), Bachelor Degree (S1), Diploma IV (D. IV), and Diploma III (D.III) 2016

Through the 20th Career Days UGM 2016

Education background
  1. Master Degree (S2), majoring in
    • Electro Engineering Power Lines (Code: S2/ELE).
    • Mechanical Engineering (Code: S2/MES).
    • Law (Code : S2/HKM).
    • Master of Professional Psychology (Code: S2/PSI).
    • Management/Industry (Code : S2/MAN).
    • Sociology (Code : S2/SOS).
    • Finance/Accounting (Code : S2/AKT).
  2. Bachelor Degree or equivalent (S1/D.IV), majoring in
    • Electro Engineering, Power Lines, Electricity Engineering (Code: S1/ELE).
    • Electronics : Control - Not Telecommunication (Code: S1/ALE).
    • Industrial Engineering (Code: S1/IND).
  3. Diploma Degree (D.III), majoring in
    • Electro Engineering, Power Lines, Electricity Engineering (Code: D.III / ELE)
    • Electronics : Control - Not Telecommunication (Code: D.III / ALE).
    • Marketing Management, Commerce Administration, Business Administration, Office Administration (Code: D.III / MAN).
    • Informatics (Code : D.III/INF).
General Requirements
  • Marital status : Single (Unmarried) and willing not to get married during the "Diklat Prajabatan" training program.
  • Preferably Male.
  • Graduated S1 / D. IV or D.III with age limit:
    • S2 : Birth in 1988 and thereafter.
    • S1 / D. IV: Birth in 1990 and thereafter.
    • D.III: Birth in 1992 and thereafter
  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
    • GPA   ≥ 3.00 : S2/ELE, S2/MES, S2/HKM, S2/PSI, S2/MAN, S2/SOS, S2/AKT, S1/IND, D.III/MAN, D.III/INF.
    • GPA ≥ 2.75 : S1/ELE, S1/ALE, D.III/ELE, D.III/ALE. 
    • For overseas graduates, must convert the GPA with a 4.0 grade scale.
Application should contains the below documents :
  1. Legalized copy of birth certificate;
  2. Legalized copy of Diploma / Certificate of Graduation (SKL);
  3. Legalized copy of final transcripts;
  4. Curriculum vitae / Resume.
All documents must be submitted into the yellow folder and please write your name, position code, ID Card Number, contact numbers (cell phone), and email address on the cover of the folder. For example : BAGUS WIJAYA, S1/ELE , 337411xxxxx , 081703903xxx,
              For further information, please refer official source from PT PLN (Persero) on following link below. To apply, you could come and directly submit your work application to PLN's booth at the 20th Career Days UGM 2016 that will held on 27-28 August 2016 at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM Lt.1 & Lt.2 Yogyakarta. Applications received after these dates will not be considered. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. ( / Source)
