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Kab Tuban / tubankab.go.id |
Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban - Pemkab Tuban is the Tuban Regency Government. Pemkab Tuban is a local government in the regency of Tuban, a regency in the East Java Province. The Regency of Tuban is a regency on the north coast of Java, situated approximately 101 km west of Surabaya, the Capital City of East Java Province and 215 km east of Semarang, the Capital City of Central Java Province. The Regency of Tuban has a total area of 183,994,562 hectares bordered to Rembang regency and Blora regency in the west, Lamongan regency in the East, Java Sea in the north, and Bojonegoro regency in the south.
The Regency of Tuban is administratively divided into 20 districts and 328 villages/urban villages. The Regency of Tuban is headed by a Regent and currently held by Fathul Huda. The Regent is assisted by Noor Nahar Hussein as a vice regent. According to the latest data from Tuban regency as cited by JobsCDC.com, total population of Tuban Regency in 2004 stood at 1,084,383 people.
Due to strengthen its team, Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban through the Public Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan) seeks the best Indonesian Citizen (WNI) to fill in the following positions
Recruitment Non CPNS Dinas Kesehatan Tuban 2015
- Dokter Umum : S1 Medicine (8 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Bangilan (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Bulu (1 position)
- Puskesmas Tambakboyo (1 position)
- Puskesmas Montong (1 position)
- Puskesmas Singgahan (1 position)
- Dokter Gigi : S1 Dentistry (4 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (1 position)
- Puskesmas Bancar (1 position)
- Puskesmas Singgahan (1 position)
- Puskesmas Senori (1 position)
- Apoteker : S1 Pharmacists (4 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Rengel (1 position)
- Puskesmas Bangilan (1 position)
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (1 position)
- Puskesmas Tambakboyo (1 position)
- Perawat : D3 Nursing (29 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Plumpang (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Soko (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Bangilan (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (6 positions)
- Puskesmas Bulu (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Tambakboyo (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Montong (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Singgahan (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Tuban (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Kebonsari (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Palang (1 position)
- Puskesmas Widang (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Bancar (1 position)
- Puskesmas Senori (1 position)
- Bidan : D3 Midwifery (12 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Rengel (1 position)
- Puskesmas Bangilan (2 positions)
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (3 positions)
- Puskesmas Tuban (1 position)
- Puskesmas Kebonsari (1 position)
- Puskesmas Palang (1 position)
- Puskesmas Widang (1 position)
- Puskesmas Bancar (1 position)
- Puskesmas Senori (1 position)
- Sanitarian : D3 Environmental Health (4 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Rengel (1 position)
- Puskesmas Tambakboyo (1 position)
- Puskesmas Kebonsar (1 position)
- Puskesmas Bancar (1 position)
- Analis : D3 Health Analyst (2 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (1 position)
- Puskesmas Bancar (1 position)
- Gizi : D3 Nutrition (3 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Rengel (1 position)
- Puskesmas Tambakboyo (1 position)
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (1 position)
- Elektromedik : D3 ATEM (1 position available), placement area
- Dinas Kesehatan
- Administrasi : S1 All majors (3 positions available), placement area
- Puskesmas Jatirogo (1 position)
- Puskesmas Kebonsari (1 position)
- Puskesmas Palang (1 position)
Required application documents
- Application letter on paper stamped (Rp. 6000, -) and addressed to Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tuban.
- Legalized copies of academic certificate and transcript.
- For Medicals formation must attach a copy of Certificate of Registration (STR) / SIB / SIP is still valid.
- Other supporting training certificate(s).
- The Certificate of work experience in Faskes / BPJS signed by the Executive Board.
- Minimum age of 19 years and a maximum age of 46 years old on 30 October 2015.
- An affidavit signed on paper stamped (Rp. 6000, -), stating that:
- Not tied to employment contracts with government and private agencies.
- Do not follow the formal education (continuing education to a higher level).
- Do not demand to be appointed as civil servant.
- Willing to assigned in the selected health centers/PUSKESMAS.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Health certificate from a government doctor.
- Copy of ID Card and KSK.
- Color photograph size 4 x 6 (2 pieces).
For more detail information on the requirement, placement area and how to apply, please refer official source from Pemkab Tuban on following link below. All documents made in 2 copies and arranged in paper stopmap green color and put into a brown envelope and sent through the Post Office addressed to Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tuban PO BOX 03/DINKES (postmark). Closing date 4 December 2015. All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed candidates will be notified. (JobsCDC.com/Source)