Monday, March 16, 2015

Perum Perindo
Perum Perindo /
Perusahaan Umum Perikanan Indonesia - Perum Perikanan Indonesia or later known as Perum Perindo is a reputable state-owned company in Indonesia with a primary focus on fisheries industry. As a state-owned company, Perum Perindo is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia. Perum Perindo was first established in 1990 as Perusahaan Umum Prasarana Perikanan Samudera (Perum PPS). Headquartered in North Jakarta, Perum Perindo now directly employs nearly 289 staff and operates 6 branch offices, consist of Nizam Zachman ocean fishing port at Jakarta, Belawan ocean fishing port at Belawan, Brondong Nusantara Fishery Port Brondong at Brondong, Nusantara Fishery Port Pekalongan at Pekalongan, Nusantara Fishery Port Pemangkat at Pemangkat and Nusantara Fishery Port Prigi at Prigi. In terms of financial performance, Perum Perindo posted an increase of 438% in comprehensive net profit from Rp 2.99 billion in 2012 to Rp 15.11 billion in 2013. This figures was stated by Perum Perindo in its 2013 annual report as quoted by

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, Perusahaan Umum Perikanan Indonesia is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities

Pre Employment Program

General Requirements
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI), Male and Female.
  • Single/not married (download not married statement here).
  • Minimum education
    • A Bachelor's Degree (S1) in Fisheries, Economic Management, Economics Accounting, Law, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power Lines), Civil Engineering.
    • A Bachelor of Applied Science (D4) in Fisheries.
    • A Diploma Degree (D3) in Fisheries, Economics Accounting.
    • A Vocational High School (SMK/STM/SUPM) in Fisheries, Economics Accounting, Office, Civil.
  • Cumulative GPA ≥ 3.00 (PTN) and  ≥ 3.30 (PTS) for D3/D4/S1 and minimum average national exam score of 7.00 for SMK/STM/SUPM.
  • Maximum age as of 1 April 2015
    • Maximum age of 28 years old for S1/D4.
    • Maximum age of 25 years old for D3.
    • Maximum age of 22 years old for SMK/STM/SUPM.
  • Have no family relationship with the Supervisory Boards, Directors and employees of Perum Perindo up to the third degree, both in a straight line to the side, including relationships arising by marriage.
  • Have never been imprisoned by a judgment which has the force of law has for committing a criminal offense.
  • Not currently undergoing legal proceedings for allegedly committing a criminal offense.
  • Willing to be stasioned in all working area of Perum Perindo (download the statement letter here).
  • Able-bodied and well-behaved.
  • Willing to follow the Pre Employment Program (PEP) for 3 months after passing the selection process.
Required documents

  1. Copy of ID Card.
  2. Legalized copies of degree certifications or temporary degree verification statements, academic transcripts, and accreditation certificate.
  3. Curriculum vitae (dowload form CV here).
  4. Recent color photograph size 4x6cm (4 sheets).
  5. Medical cerificate and SKCK.
    For further information, please refer official source from Perum Perikanan Indonesia on following link below. If you meet all the requirements and are interested to join Pre Employment Program at Perum Perikanan Indonesia, please send all documents above to Panitia Penerimaan Karyawan Perum Perikanan Indonesia Tahun 2015, Jl Muara Baru, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara 14440. Closing date 24 March 2015 (postmark). Please ensure your valid contact telephone/cellular number, e-mail and postal address included in your CV. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (
